Little Rocket has been engaged through the Meereng 50 Accelerator to partner with Lendlease Group—Australia’s multinational construction, property, investment and infrastructure company.
Over the past few years, we’ve completed a range of projects with Lendlease, which have included capabilities like timelapse, photography, Go Pro and drone captures, activations, event management and more.
The opportunity to expand on initial projects has been really encouraging, giving the team key exposure opportunities across the business.
A few examples of our work include capturing the construction of some of Australia’s exciting new builds with timelapse, such as Melbourne Quarter. We also orchestrated Lendlease’s NAIDOC Week Activation, which involved in-person and live-stream Community Events. Check out the video below for some clips from our work with Lendlease over the years.
Why don't we just give everybody a promotion and call it a night - 'Commander'? We know you're dealing in stolen ore. But I wanna talk about the assassination attempt on Lieutenant Worf. You enjoyed that. I think you've let your personal feelings cloud your judgement.
Congratulations - you just destroyed the Enterprise. I think you've let your personal feelings cloud your judgement. Wouldn't that bring about chaos? I will obey your orders. I will serve this ship as First Officer.
And in an attack against the Enterprise, I will die with this crew. But I will not break my oath of loyalty to Starfleet. You're going to be an interesting companion, Mr. Data.
Why don't we just give everybody a promotion and call it a night - 'Commander'? We know you're dealing in stolen ore. But I wanna talk about the assassination attempt on Lieutenant Worf. You enjoyed that. I think you've let your personal feelings cloud your judgement.
Congratulations - you just destroyed the Enterprise. I think you've let your personal feelings cloud your judgement. Wouldn't that bring about chaos? I will obey your orders. I will serve this ship as First Officer.
"Captain, why are we out here chasing comets? The game's not big enough unless it scares you a little. Not if I weaken first. My oath is between Captain Kargan and myself. Your only concern is with how you obey my orders. Or do you prefer the rank of prisoner to that of lieutenant? Shields up! Rrrrred alert! You bet I'm agitated! I may be surrounded by insanity, but I am not insane. I suggest you drop it, Mr. Data."
Since 2016, Little Rocket has orchestrated the entire marketing roll-out for the annual Freedom Day Festival, held in the Northern Territory. Over three days, the Little Rocket team travels to owner John Burgess’ homeland to commemorate the Wave Hill Walk-off and celebrate the birth of Aboriginal Land Rights.
Little Rocket created the website and branding for the festival, and each year we develop and manage all social marketing, merchandise, sponsorship, event management and PR. In 2022, we brought along several clients and partners to join in the festivities, and we hope to include more guests each year.
The festival attracts thousands of people each year, making it the largest regional indigenous festival in Australia.
We wish to say a special than you to Gurindji Aboriginal Corporation, Karungkarni Art and Culture Aboriginal Corporation the Traditional Owners and wider community of Kalkaringi and Daguragu for sharing their stories, collaborating on the designs and welcoming our team onto Country.
2016 marked the 50th anniversary of the Wave Hill Walk-off, and Little Rocket developed specialty 50th anniversary branding to celebrate this momentous event in Australian history.
“The opportunity to visit Kalkarindji / Daguragu and hear the stories first-hand was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.”
Jonny Hall, Business Director at Tag Worldwide
Paving the way for future leaders
Teach for Australia Future Leader’s Program
Little Rocket created an entire new brand for Teach for Australia’s Future Leaders Program. This program is a ground-breaking approach to supporting school leadership by helping schools build leaders out of their teachers and equip them with the tools they need in regional and remote settings.
Our in-depth rebranding approach involved a thorough market research process, where we identified a target audience and tested concepts for resonance.
We facilitated three photoshoots across Ausralia—two in regional centres, one remote—to capture a diverse range of imagery to create a photobank for use in the program’s promotional materials
We ensured the branding for the Future Leader’s Program was a natural extension of the Teach for Australia’s parent brand.
Supporting Indigenous inclusion in tech
Little Rocket developed Microsoft’s Indigenous at Microsoft brand rollout and a comprehensive suite of assets. The Indigenous at Microsoft group provides community and outreach activities related to Indigenous employees and communities.
We produced a broad toolkit of branded assets, including web banners, logos in various dimensions, templates for web and print, profile picture frames for social media, motion graphics for video content and more.
"“We love having an impact in the international Indigenous space beyond just the borders of our own country.”
Dave Alenson, Little Rocket Creative Director
All assets were conceptualised and designed in alignment with the brand guidelines, creating unique yet complimentary pieces that tied seamlessly into the overall brand strategy.
Renewal from the ground up
First Peoples - State Relations
First Peoples - State Relations is a group within the Department of Premier and Cabinet responsible for cultural rights, self-determination, treaty and truth.
Little Rocket was brought in on an in-depth rebranding and repositioning initiative to develop an entire new visual identity to go with the department’s new name (previously Aboriginal Victoria).
We worked with local Indigenous artist, Emma Bamblet, a Wemba Wemba, Gunditjimara, Ngadjonji and Taugurung woman, who provided the artwork for the new branding.
Little Rocket adapted Emma’s artwork to First Peoples - State Relations’ master logo, encapsulating the notion of a link between Nations and groups, all within the outline of the state of Victoria.
We also created a and comprehensive styleguide and branded asset suite, including templates, iconography, digital banners and patterns, website patterns, word template, email signature, an animated logo, website design, etc.
Emma paints acrylic on canvas and loves to show the bright and vibrant colours through her artwork. She hopes people see and feel what she is feeling when they look at her paintings. Over the past two years, Emma has evolved through her own self-direction and explored digital art using her iPad. She loves creating artwork depicting her connections to totems and Country landscapes.
Supporting Community in Victoria through COVID-19
Victorian Department of Health
Little Rocket led the Department of Health’s all-inclusive vaccination campaign for First Nations community across Victoria. From start to finish, Little Rocket developed all campaign all strategy, communications, branding and production.
We produced a suite of assets to be used across various platforms including branded social media tiles, motion graphics, web banners, printed assets, merchandise, radio ads and a TV commercial featuring Uncle Jack Charles.
Our TV commercial with Uncle Jack Charles rolled out Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisations across Victoria. The branding for this campaign was represented by a shield, symbolising the protection vaccination provides for community against COVID-19.
The success of this campaign has been built on the ability to be flexible and shape various messaging to fit the Health Department’s evolving needs within the urgent nature of the situation. The team has worked with specialists in various verticals to deliver impactful content that resonates with community.
Engaging Youth in the fight against COVID-19
Victorian Department of Health
Given the slower uptake in vaccination among community members aged 18–25, Little Rocket and the Department of Health responded with a vaccination campaign for First Nations youth in Victoria.
This campaign centred around the incredible artwork by Wiradjuri & Ngiyampaa artist Charlotte Allingham (aka @coffinbirth). The Little Rocket team was lucky enough to meet Charlotte at her studio and get a sneak peak into her creative process, while we put together this video.
Please protect your community because Elders are precious. And if they get Covid, and something awful happens, the knowledge is lost, stories are lost, family members are lost.
Charlotte Allingham
Little Rocket also put together promotional materials for the ‘It’s a Mob Thing’ health and music event, which included a big screen projection at Melbourne’s Federation Square. The event took place on the 1st of May 2022 and featured artists like Philly, Benny Walker and The Merindas.
As part of the Department of Health’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Little Rocket created a vaccination campaign specifically for First Nations children in Victoria aged 5-11 years old.
Given the sensitivity of the subject matter for this age group, our campaign mainly spoke to children’s families and carers. Our primary objective was to support these carers in making the safest and most appropriate decision for their children based on current research and recommendations.
We worked closely with First Nations artist Emma Bamblett to develop bespoke artwork for this campaign, which has been featured across a variety of assets, including wearable merchandise, a suite of informational materials and digital applications.